Artistic Reinvention – An Interview with Queer Radio Brisbane on 4ZZZ

September 15, 2022

Shortly after the release of my single “Time”, I was invited for an interview with Queer Radio Brisbane on 4ZZZ, Brisbane’s community radio station.

Having done a few interviews with Blair on the show before (back in 2019), I knew I’d be in for a treat. He always asks the most thought-provoking questions!

“I want to talk about artistic reinvention,” he said to me when we went live on air. We proceeded to talk about MY creative reinvention over the past few years.

After the interview, I reflected more on this.

The concept of reinvention is something I am no stranger to.

I have reinvented myself more times than I can count.

As a kid many changes happened in my family – moving cities, divorce… things that I desperately didn’t want to happen, and yet had no control over.

So I learned the art of reinvention as a coping mechanism.

When I was hurt… I did something about it. I moved.

Figuratively and sometimes literally.

The art of reinvention is what led me to personal development… new age thought… a deeper spiritual path… meeting my husband… entrepreneurship… moving to Australia… curing myself of depression and chronic fatigue with 100% alternative therapies and modalities…

At some point, I realised the art of reinvention was an incredible skill, but not best used as a coping mechanism.

Over the years I’ve learned how to process my emotions in a healthy way…

So I no longer need to run from anything.

Now reinvention is not something I need to do to avoid pain… it’s a part of my creative process. A way of celebrating my multidimensionality and getting back to the essence of who I really am.

Each time I reinvent myself, I claim a part of myself… I welcome her home.

This is the beauty of reinvention. You get to choose. You get to decide who you are in each moment.

Because the truth is, you are the whole darn spectrum.

So each time you choose a new identity, what you’re really doing is giving that part of yourself that’s always been there a voice. You’re honouring your universal nature.

So have fun. Try something new.

Reinvent yourself, as many times as your heart desires.

You can watch the full interview above!

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